
Ruling by UN’s top court means Canada and the U.S. could be complicit in Gaza genocide

The recent ruling by the International Court of Justice means Canada could be guilty of supporting genocide in Gaza by cutting aid funding and continuing military exports to Israel.

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Hasnain says:

“Because the ICJ found a serious risk of genocide in Gaza, continuing to export arms to Israel would be illegal. It would also be flagrantly inconsistent with Canada’s obligation to prevent genocide, and could expose Canada and Canadian officials to liability for participation in genocide.

We must reject the politics of deliberate indifference to atrocity currently on display in the Canadian government’s reactions to the ICJ ruling.”

Posted on 2024-01-28T16:30:55+0000


Fight over border intensifies as Texas governor pledges more razor wire

Greg Abbott says he will defy Biden and US supreme court and install more concertina wire to try to prevent migrant crossings

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Hasnain says:

Why is this not bigger news? Should be on more places and receiving round the clock coverage.

“The fight between Texas and the federal government over the control of the US-Mexico border has further intensified after state governor Greg Abbott announced he will defy the Biden administration and US supreme court by ordering the installation of even more razor wire to deter migration.”

Posted on 2024-01-27T01:55:38+0000


ICJ orders Israel to take steps to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza

World Court to deliver interim ruling on case against Israel; South Africa wants ICJ to order immediate Gaza ceasefire.

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Hasnain says:

Just yesterday the US refused to state whether they would abide by ICJ rulings.

“By 16 votes to 1, the State of Israel shall take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide in relation to members of the Palestinian group in the Gaza Strip.”

Posted on 2024-01-26T15:00:02+0000


GPT-3.5 crashes when it thinks about useRalativeImagePath too much

Asking it to repeat "ponyuseRal ponyuseRal ponyuseRal pony" makes API requests fail

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Hasnain says:

“You could try putting this phrase in documents, to throw off attempts to summarize it with GPT-3.5. I asked ChatGPT to summarize this blog post:”

Posted on 2024-01-26T06:22:20+0000


Hasnain says:

“Since the first author name is zero characters long, the regex skips that line, and the fake second author line is used instead. Git ignores extra author lines after the first, so Codespaces looks at the second author line but Git looks at the first. This means we can create GitHub-signed commits with any author name+email.”

Posted on 2024-01-26T06:18:09+0000


Don’t mess with a genius

Or: What happens when Newton’s laws are violated Recently, I read a book called Newton and the Counterfeiter, subtitled The Unknown Detective Career of the World’s Greatest Scientist. I…

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Hasnain says:

"In 1699 the worthless Neale finally died, and Newton became Master of the Mint on Christmas Day, his 57th birthday. The responsibilities of the job had already been de facto handled by Newton for years, but Neale had gained all the proceeds from the coining — 22,000 pounds. Newton now became the only recorded Warden to become Master. Although the Great Recoinage was over, the Mint still was in production, and Newton made 3500 the first year. He finally gave up his Cambridge professorship which he had still retained, went on to become genuinely rich for the first time, and seems to have led a contented life. Much later he lost 20000 pounds in the South Sea Bubble, the world’s first stock market crash — Newton is attributed to have said: “I can calculate the movement of the stars, but not the madness of men”."

Posted on 2024-01-26T05:51:52+0000


Hasnain says:

“In infant botulism, spores of Clostridium botulinum colonize the gastrointestinal tract after accidental ingestion and start producing toxin type A. The toxin makes its way into nerve cells and cleaves a critical protein complex necessary for the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, halting nerve signaling. Upon further investigation, the family revealed the baby seemed to have abdominal discomfort prior to falling ill and they had soothed him with honey—a known source of C. botulinum spores and botulism in infants.”

Posted on 2024-01-25T02:24:06+0000


Columbia Scolds Students for "Unsanctioned" Gaza Rally Where They Were Attacked With Chemicals

Two people reportedly sprayed an odious chemical at protesters, leaving students with burning eyes, nausea, and chest pain.

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Hasnain says:

“In a statement to The Intercept, a university spokesperson seemed to blame the students for the attack. “Friday’s event was unsanctioned and violated university policies and procedures which are in place to ensure there is adequate personnel on the ground to keep our community safe,” the spokesperson wrote.”

Posted on 2024-01-23T01:20:57+0000


The west’s complete contempt for the lives of Palestinians will not be forgotten | Owen Jones

Our political and media elites are complicit in Gaza’s nightmare. Any vestige of moral authority has been lost for ever, says Guardian columnist Owen Jones

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Hasnain says:

“So yes, we have seen how the refusal to treat Palestinians as human beings made today’s nightmare inevitable. We can see how the moral claims used to justify western global dominance are permanently shredded. But little thought has been given to how political and media elites in western nations have torched their moral authority, leaving it to fester alongside thousands of unidentified Palestinian corpses buried under the rubble. A turning point, to be sure, with consequences that will only be understood when it is much too late.”

Posted on 2024-01-22T15:30:14+0000


Canadian Man Stuck in Triangle of E-Commerce Fraud – Krebs on Security

January 19, 2024 29 Comments A Canadian man who says he’s been falsely charged with orchestrating a complex e-commerce scam is seeking to clear his name. His case appears to involve “triangulation fraud,” which occurs when a consumer purchases something online — from a seller on Amazon or eB...

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Hasnain says:

Sigh, this is so messed up.

““The [investigator] derisively asked why would anyone order so many play sets?” Barker said. “I started to give the very logical answer that we are helping families improve their children’s home life and learning for toddlers when he cut me off and gave the little speech about giving a statement after my arrest. He finally told me that he believes that I used someone’s credit card in Ontario to purchase the Walmart products.”

Eager to clear his name, Barker said he shared with the police copies of his credit card bills and purchase history at Amazon. But on April 21, the investigator called again to say he was coming to arrest Barker for theft.”

Posted on 2024-01-20T06:44:28+0000