California health officials shorten COVID isolation period to 1 day
California health officials have shortened the COVID-19 isolation guidelines for those who test positive as the department aims to focus more on people who are the most at risk of severe illness wh…
Hasnain says:
Same week we had 3000 hospital admissions for COVID and the surge is at its peak. Why do we do this?!
“also working to minimize school and workplace disruptions.”
Posted on 2024-01-19T05:50:37+0000
‘Different rules’: special policies keep US supplying weapons to Israel despite alleged abuses
Revealed: review of internal state department documents shows special mechanisms have been used to shield Israel from US human rights laws
Hasnain says:
“When the Leahy law was first passed in 1997, it was designed with Central America and Colombia in mind. The US was providing hundreds of millions of dollars in military aid to combat narco-traffickers and insurgents, but human rights groups were documenting serious human rights abuses by Colombian military and police units. While the state department does not publicly announce when it targets specific foreign units, experts say they believe it has been effective in Central America, Colombia, Nepal and other countries.
Israel, they say, is the outlier.”
Posted on 2024-01-19T05:09:21+0000
Identifying Rust’s collect::<Vec>() memory leak footgun
Over the weekend, I was working on a personal Rust project when I ran into an excessive memory usage problem. After an evening of trial and error, I found a workaround to fix the memory usage, but I still didn’t understand how the issue was even possible, so I then spent another evening digging th...
Hasnain says:
“This was a surprising and annoying bug to investigate, but at least I learned a lot about Rust in the process. I had no idea that the standard library was doing this kind of optimization under the hood (and since this is code-based, it happens even in debug builds). It’s also an illustration of how an optimization in one place can lead to bugs downstream by violating programmers’ expectations.
Anyway, I hope that writing about my experience can help other people avoid this footgun in the future, or at least teach people something interesting about Rust.”
Posted on 2024-01-18T16:48:23+0000
Losing my son
On October 20th, my seven year old son Nikolas suffered cardiac arrest while undergoing a procedure at the hospital to treat an underlying congenital condition. The doctors performed CPR and succeeded in reviving him but ultimately he suffered catastrophic brain damage. My wife and I were in the hos...
Hasnain says:
“There's three things everybody says to me now:
"I can't imagine what you're going through."
"I don't know how you're handling it."
"That must be so hard."
These statements are true. If you haven't been through this, you don't get it. So let me tell you all about it. It'll be okay. Well, actually it's not okay, but it's okay that it's not okay.”
Posted on 2024-01-18T05:51:57+0000
In First Vote On Gaza War, Senate Shields Israel From Human Rights Scrutiny
Though his bill failed, Bernie Sanders put senators on the record on the U.S.-backed military campaign in Gaza. Israeli envoy Michael Herzog visited the Senate before the vote.
Hasnain says:
The senate refused to do the bare minimum here. Like the resolution basically called for enforcement of the Leahy act - not cutting off aid (yet); just investigating claims of war crimes.
“Although it had been expected to fail due to bipartisan opposition, supporters of the measure hoped it would spur debate about billions of dollars in unconditional assistance for Israel as Palestinians continue to face daily bombings and the threat of famine. Sanders said that the legislation did not remove “a nickel” of the billions of dollars’ worth of military aid the U.S. sends Israel, calling it a “modest, commonsense proposal” that would simply open an inquiry into potential human rights abuses.”
Posted on 2024-01-17T02:39:50+0000
True Tales of Survival: The $500 million dollar typo
It's amazing how a series of small but unfortunate events can quickly add up to one very expensive problem. Like the time one person fat-fingered the wrong year on a mainframe JCL job, Ronald Reagan died, and the US postal service lost $500 million.
Hasnain says:
“First problem: the USPS didn’t have an extra 500 million dollars hanging out in their bank account. So they have just made the mother of all overdrafts.
The executive in charge of accounting, though, comes into the office on Saturday morning for some reason. He sees this printout — he knows what this report is — starts flipping through it, and about pees his pants. He calls my boss screaming that we need to stop payroll NOW”
Posted on 2024-01-15T05:32:15+0000
Zionist or Nazi? Who Said This?
Disclaimer: this quiz is part of a research on perceptions of hate speech and is not meant to hurt anyone's sentiments. We do not seek to target any ethnicity or religion. Political ideologies however should be scrutinized and challenged. Zionism does not represent all Jews just like Nazism does not...
Hasnain says:
Shared via Motaz who’s been doing incredible reporting. This was way too difficult, even for someone who’s terminally online and recognized most of the quotes.
“Disclaimer: this quiz is part of a research on perceptions of hate speech and is not meant to hurt anyone's sentiments. We do not seek to target any ethnicity or religion. Political ideologies however should be scrutinized and challenged. Zionism does not represent all Jews just like Nazism does not represent all Germans.
Following are a few statements. Some made by prominent Nazi Germans about Jews, others made by prominent Israeli and pro-Israeli Zionists about Palestinians. Can you guess which is which?
Since the quote in question could be about either Jews or Palestinians, the name of the group will be replaced with "[group]". There will be other similar context dependent replacements.”
Posted on 2024-01-15T04:00:04+0000
How This Climate Activist Justifies Political Violence
“The reason that people contemplate escalation is that there are no risk-free options left,” says the author of "How to Blow Up a Pipeline."
Hasnain says:
“In “Overshoot,” you write this about the very wealthy: “There is no escaping the conclusion that the worst mass killers in this rapidly warming world are the billionaires, merely by dint of their lifestyles.” That doesn’t feel like a bathetic overstatement when we live in a world of terrorist violence and Putin turning Ukraine into a charnel house? Why is that a useful way of framing the problem?
Precisely for the reason I tried to outline previously, which is that spewing CO2 into the atmosphere at an excessive scale — and when it comes to luxury emissions, it is completely excessive — is an act that leads to the death of people.”
Posted on 2024-01-14T21:51:00+0000
‘It is a time of witch hunts in Israel’: teacher held in solitary confinement for posting concern about Gaza deaths
Meir Baruchin, who was fired and jailed for criticising the military, says that many who agree with him are afraid to go public
Hasnain says:
“Baruchin believes he is the only Jewish Israeli to have been detained for denouncing civilian deaths in Gaza, but this would not be unusual if he was a Palestinian citizen of Israel.
Hundreds have been arrested and jailed, or lost jobs or access to education because of social media posts. The judge who put Baruchin in prison drew an explicit comparison. “Had an Arab resident made the post, the danger would have been clear. I do not believe that there is room for differentiating between an Arab post and a Jewish post.””
Posted on 2024-01-14T17:14:04+0000
Trader Joe’s Tried Suing Its Own Workers’ Union. This Judge Wasn’t Having It.
The judge wrote the grocery store company had tried to “weaponize the legal system” against its workers, and its attorneys almost deserved sanctions.
Hasnain says:
Gotta love this judge
“Hernán D. Vera, a judge for the U.S. District Court of the Central District of California, wrote that the grocer tried to “weaponize the legal system” against the union, Trader Joe’s United, all in the hopes of “gain[ing] advantage in an ongoing legal labor dispute.”
Vera determined that Trader Joe’s legal effort against the union “comes dangerously close to the line of Rule 11” ― a federal rule that allows district courts to sanction attorneys for submitting filings for an “improper purpose.””
Posted on 2024-01-14T01:15:02+0000