
Hasnain says:

“Perhaps the most important thing about this segment, though, is that it exists at all—that it was deemed acceptable for Bash to air something so clearly biased and incendiary about such a sensitive topic. CNN executives would have lost their minds if Bash compared pro-Israel protesters to Nazi sympathizers, or even if she used disputed terms like “apartheid” or “genocide” to describe Israel’s behavior. But this kind of unhinged screed against the pro-Palestinian movement is apparently just fine. People supporting Palestine get to be written off as violent, Nazi-like extremists without a second thought, and CNN viewers tuning in for a supposedly fact-based look at the world get told that this is objective reality.

It’s just shameful. It’s so, so, so shameful. Bash and CNN disgraced themselves with this segment. The one good thing to come from this is that we know exactly who they are now.”

Posted on 2024-05-03T02:41:25+0000