When Racial Progress Comes for White Liberals
Many Afrikaners welcomed the end of apartheid, but 30 years on, they’ve found Black-majority rule in South Africa hard to live with.
Hasnain says:
Very relevant and eye opening read in the context of current events.
“What accounted for this disillusionment? Many white South Africans told me that Black forgiveness felt like a slap on the face. By not acting toward you as you acted toward us, we’re showing you up, white South Africans seemed to hear. You’ll owe us a debt of gratitude forever.
White people rarely articulated these feelings publicly. But in private, with friends and acquaintances, I encountered them over and over. One white friend and former anti-apartheid activist (who didn’t want to be identified in order to talk freely) told me that after the Truth and Reconciliation Commission publicized much of what Black South Africans had faced under apartheid, she felt humiliated to recall what she and her friends had once considered resistance: gestures like having a warm exchange with a Black maid or skipping class to join an anti-apartheid march.
She said that sense of embarrassment made her shy away from politics, as did the slow-dawning recognition that Black people—many of whom had worked in white people’s houses under apartheid—knew much more about the lives of white people than white people knew about Black lives. My friend had never even seen the inside of a Black person’s home.”
Posted on 2024-01-02T15:41:03+0000
Why Gaza Matters
Since antiquity, the territory has shaped the quest for power in the Middle East.
Hasnain says:
Learned a lot of history from this one. Worth reading to understand the context behind the current violence and its origins.
“In April 1956, the security officer of a kibbutz close to the Palestinian enclave was killed by infiltrators from Gaza, causing Moshe Dayan, the Israeli chief of staff, to warn Israelis of the unresolved grievances simmering in the territory: “Let us not, today, cast the blame on the murderers,” Dayan said. “For eight years now, they have sat in the refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we have turned their lands and villages, where they and their fathers dwelt, into our home.””
Posted on 2024-01-02T02:58:47+0000
Are there no red lines to U.S. support for Israel? | Opinion
Hasnain says:
“How much further damage can it be allowed to do? Do nations that really care about one another enable their friends to undermine their own security with reckless policies, to compromise their values, to harm themselves and all those who support them, to commit crimes that violate the teachings and values they were once supposed to emulate and embody, to commit crimes against humanity?”
Posted on 2023-12-31T18:39:38+0000
Tracking developer build times to decide if the M3 MacBook is worth upgrading | incident.io
When our CTO said "I'll upgrade your MacBook if you can prove it's worthwhile" we embarked on a journey including (re)building a Go hot-reloader, instrumenting developer builds, analysing compiler performance and feeding an AI model the data until we had an answer.
Hasnain says:
“In the face of irrefutable evidence that new Space Black M3 Pro laptops would dramatically improve not only how cool we look on our commute, but also how fast we can ship changes and delight customers, the decision was an easy one and the new laptops are now on their way!”
Posted on 2023-12-30T05:01:29+0000
The Free-Speech Debate Is a Trap
Free speech is a public utility, not a guarantee of justice. It’s time for the left to stop expecting it to serve its values.
Hasnain says:
“What everyone knows on some level, I think, is that speech has the power to incite action because speech itself is already a material act. Yes, anti-Zionism is an idea, not a rock; but if it were only an idea, without any practical potential, then there would be no point in throwing it. The difference right now is that, given the tremendous political and ideological instability introduced by the war, a number of powerful people in America currently believe that talking about freeing Palestine could actually end up freeing Palestine, and it is this cascade of actions that they are ultimately trying to suppress. This tells us something very important: They are afraid. The question is not whether intifada, which means “uprising” in Arabic and invokes both civil disobedience and violent resistance, is a threatening term; if it were not threatening, the House would never have convened an entire hearing about it. The only question is whether threatened parties — the Israeli apartheid regime, American foreign-policy hawks, all the board members and lobbyists and donors and hedge-fund managers — deserve to be threatened.”
Posted on 2023-12-23T15:33:05+0000
Lapsus$: GTA 6 hacker handed indefinite hospital order
Judge says hacker remains a high risk through his skills and motivation to carry out cyber-crime.
Hasnain says:
Later goes on to call these “well defended” targets but umm..
“The jury was told that while he was on bail for hacking Nvidia and BT/EE and in police protection at a Travelodge hotel, he continued hacking and carried out his most infamous hack.
Despite having his laptop confiscated, Kurtaj managed to breach Rockstar, the company behind GTA, using an Amazon Firestick, his hotel TV and a mobile phone.”
Amid U.N. Security Council Intrigue, U.S. Privately Moves To Block Another Option For International Accountability For Gaza
The Biden administration is finalizing plans to urge Switzerland to reject a request from Palestine and its supporters to hold a conference on violations of the Geneva Conventions.
Hasnain says:
““Because America is supporting the Israeli campaign, it will be affected by anything that charges Israel with crimes or demands that Israel adhere to something,” he said.
The U.S. has repeatedly said it is not assessing whether Israel is following international law in its campaign but expects Israelis to do so.
Other world governments say their sympathy for Israel amid its trauma does not excuse what they see as extremely alarming conduct in Gaza.
“While we strongly support Israel and are not ready to accept anything that would jeopardize its security… I don’t see any contradiction between the right to fight against terrorists, including Hamas, and the absolute necessity to stop attacks against civilians,””
Posted on 2023-12-21T03:39:11+0000
Jepsen: MySQL 8.0.34
MySQL is a popular relational database. We revisit Kleppmann’s 2014 Hermitage and confirm that MySQL’s Repeatable Read still allows G2-item, G-single, and lost update. Using our transaction consistency checker Elle, we show that MySQL Repeatable Read also violates internal consistency. Furthermo...
Hasnain says:
"If you happen to sit on the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 32 Data Management and Interchange committee, please imagine the soft chords of a heart-tugging piano lament have begun to play. A montage of transactional anomalies appears on your screen. Internal anomalies. Lost updates. Dirty writes. Jepsen is looking into the camera, holding a database."
Posted on 2023-12-20T05:49:35+0000
‘Our country has lost its moral compass’: Arundhati Roy
Honoring P. Govinda Pillai, a Kerala scholar of Marxist theory, this speech calls for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine & the US's complicity in it.
Hasnain says:
She continues to be an inspiration as always.
“Twenty-one years ago, when I delivered “Come September” in New Mexico, there was a kind of omertà in the US around Palestine. Those who spoke about it paid a huge price for doing so. Today the young are on the streets, led from the front by Jews as well as Palestinians, raging about what their government, the US government, is doing. Universities, including the most elite campuses, are on the boil. Capitalism is moving fast to shut them down. Donors are threatening to withhold funds, thereby deciding what American students may or may not say, and how they may or may not think. A shot to the heart of the foundational principles of a so-called liberal education. Gone is any pretense of post-colonialism, multiculturalism, international law, the Geneva Conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Gone is any pretence of Free Speech or public morality. A “war” that lawyers and scholars of international law say meets all the legal criterion of a genocide is taking place in which the perpetrators have cast themselves as victims, the colonisers who run an apartheid state have cast themselves as the oppressed. In the US, to question this is to be charged with anti-Semitism, even if those questioning it are Jewish themselves. It’s mind-bending. Even Israel—where dissident Israeli citizens like Gideon Levy are the most knowledgeable and incisive critics of Israeli actions—does not police speech in the way the US does (although that is rapidly changing, too). In the US, to speak of Intifada—uprising, resistance—in this case against genocide, against your own erasure—is considered to be a call for the genocide of Jews. The only moral thing Palestinian civilians can do apparently is to die. The only legal thing the rest of us can do is to watch them die. And be silent. If not, we risk our scholarships, grants, lecture fees and livelihoods.”
Posted on 2023-12-20T05:01:41+0000
Hannah Arendt Prize: "Comparison is the way we know the world"
Read the talk that Masha Gessen gave at the ceremony of the Hannah Arendt Prize in Bremen.
Hasnain says:
“We are not any smarter, kinder, wiser, or more moral than people who lived ninety years ago. We are just as likely to needlessly give up our political power and to remain willfully ignorant of darkness as it’s dawning. But we know something they didn’t know: we know that the Holocaust is possible.”
Posted on 2023-12-19T05:17:11+0000