
77 Groups Worldwide Back Genocide Lawsuit Against Biden in U.S. Court

The Biden administration is due in federal court later this month, while Israel faces charges of genocide at The Hague this week.

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Hasnain says:

“In the amicus brief, which is an avenue for groups not directly involved in a lawsuit to give the court information to consider in its ruling, the organizations argue that the plaintiffs establish that a genocide, or serious risk of genocide, of Palestinians in Gaza is occurring. They also argue that the U.S. is violating its duties under international law to prevent and not be complicit in genocide, and that those U.S. failures contribute to the erosion of “long and widely-held norms of international law,” including the Genocide Convention and Universal Declaration of Human Rights, both established in 1948 in the wake of World War II.”

Posted on 2024-01-10T22:46:53+0000


UK government accepts Israel has legal duty to provide basic supplies to Gaza

David Cameron urges Israeli authorities to clear barriers to aid deliveries amid risk of ‘widespread hunger’

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Hasnain says:

I really applauded the questioning and pushback here. Late but better than never (especially since this would sadly never happen in the states). It was painful to watch Cameron try to weasel out of yes or no questions with 3-4 minute answers.

“Challenged about whether Israel had a legal duty as the occupying power to supply water to Gaza, Cameron conceded Israel ought not to have turned supplies off, and should restore water.”

Posted on 2024-01-10T06:54:41+0000


The West will stand in the dock alongside Israel at the genocide court

Israel’s allies aren’t just turning a blind eye to Gaza’s killing fields. They have cheered on the bloodshed, provided diplomatic cover and supplied the arms

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Hasnain says:

“If Israel and its western allies fail to bludgeon the court into submission, and South Africa’s case is accepted, it will not only be Israel in legal difficulties.

A genocide ruling from the court will impose obligations on other states: both to refuse to assist in Israel’s genocide, such as by providing arms and diplomatic cover, and to sanction Israel should it fail to comply.

An interim order halting Israel’s attack will serve as a line in the sand. Once made, any state that fails to act on the injunction risks becoming complicit in genocide.

That will put the West in a serious legal bind. After all, it has not just been turning a blind eye to the genocide in Gaza; it has been actively cheering it on and colluding in it. “

Posted on 2024-01-10T06:23:58+0000


Hasnain says:

“I read an interview with Mike Perham, the creator of Sidekiq, that sat with me. I encourage you to check it out, but these two quotes stuck in my mind

“in the end, OSS burnout will kill any free project which gets traction”

I’d certainly felt this. I don’t want the project to die, and I know just how great it can be with proper care and attention. But without change, I’d probably give up to spend more time on other projects or pursuits.”

Posted on 2024-01-10T03:21:00+0000


MK Ofer Cassif joins lawsuit against Israel in the ICJ

Several MKs have condemned his actions, including MK Sharon Nir of Yisrael Beiteinu, who suggested he resign from the Knesset.

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Hasnain says:

“Member of the Hadash-Ta'al party, Ofer Cassif announced on Sunday that he would be joining the lawsuit against Israel in the Hague.

In his announcement, he claimed, "My constitutional duty is to Israeli society and all its residents, not to a government whose members and its coalition are calling for ethnic cleansing and even actual genocide."”

Posted on 2024-01-08T02:54:28+0000


Hasnain says:

“After Hamas’s sadistic attack on Israel on Oct. 7, Israel was justified in retaliating; any country would have. But there is a difference between the war Israel’s liberal supporters want to pretend that the country is fighting in Gaza, and the war Israel is actually waging.

Pro-Israel Democrats want to back a war to remove Hamas from Gaza. But increasingly, it looks as if America is underwriting a war to remove Gazans from Gaza. Experts in international law can debate whether the forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza can be classified as genocidal, as South Africa is claiming at the International Court of Justice, or as some lesser type of war crime. But whatever you want to call attempts to “thin out” Gaza’s population — as the Hebrew newspaper Israel Hayom described an alleged Netanyahu proposal — the United States is implicated in them.”

Posted on 2024-01-07T17:08:26+0000


The I in LLM stands for intelligence |

cURL and libcurl, Security The I in LLM stands for intelligence January 2, 2024 Daniel Stenberg Leave a comment I have held back on writing anything about AI or how we (not) use AI for development in the curl factory. Now I can’t hold back anymore. Let me show you the most significant effect of AI...

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Hasnain says:

“I realize AI can do a lot of good things. As any general purpose tool it can also be used for the wrong things. I am also sure AIs can be trained and ultimately get used even for finding and reporting security problems in productive ways, but so far we have yet to find good examples of this.”

Posted on 2024-01-05T18:50:34+0000


The surprising connection between after-hours work and decreased productivity

Slack’s Workforce Index uncovers new findings on how to structure the workday to maximise employee productivity, well-being and satisfaction

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Hasnain says:

“We’ve long seen a focus on quantity over quality across many aspects of work, from how we spend our time to how we define productivity. Constantly feeling like you need to catch up is hurting employees and businesses. This underscores the importance of building a culture of trust where employees feel safe enough to speak up when they need help prioritising and have the right balance of time in the work day to get work done.’”

Posted on 2024-01-05T18:38:01+0000


Senior education official cites Biden's 'blind eye to the atrocities' in Gaza as reason for resignation

Tariq Habash's resignation is the latest sign of unease within the ranks of the Biden administration over the president’s handling of Israel.

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Hasnain says:

“Habash’s two-page letter suggests that whatever Biden has done to rein in Israel has failed to prevent an unfolding humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.

“I cannot be quietly complicit as the administration fails to leverage its influence as Israel’s strongest ally to halt the abusive and collective punishment tactics that have cut off Palestinians in Gaza from food, water, electricity, fuel and medical supplies, leading to widespread disease and starvation,” he wrote.”

Posted on 2024-01-03T23:25:35+0000


Japan jet crash: How crew pulled off flawless evacuation from plane inferno

Leaving valuables behind was a "major factor" behind the evacuation of 379 people as fire engulfed the plane.

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Hasnain says:

I feel like this could have been a much worse tragedy anywhere else. Glad the deaths were minimized.

“On top of this, all aircraft manufacturers must show that everyone aboard can leave the plane within 90 seconds for their planes to be internationally recognised.

But even so, in real-life situations, it can be difficult to ensure that passengers do not panic, said the former flight attendant, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

"What they achieved is harder than one can imagine. The fact that they managed to get everyone to escape is a result of good co-ordination among crew and passengers following instructions," she said.”

Posted on 2024-01-03T19:32:38+0000