
What we learned in 6 months of working on a CodeGen dev tool GPT Pilot

For the past 6 months, I’ve been working on GPT Pilot ( to understand how much we can really automate coding with AI, so I wanted to share our learnings so far and how far it’s able to go. When I s…

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Hasnain says:

“So far, we’ve learned that:

The initial app description is much more important than we thought
Coding is not a straight line, agents can review themselves
LLMs work best when they focus on one problem compared to multiple problems in a single prompt
Verbose logs do miracles
Splitting the codebase into smaller files helps a lot
For a human to be able to fix the code
They must be clearly shown what has been written and the idea behind it
Humans are lazy
It’s hard to get the LLM to think outside the box”

Posted on 2024-03-04T06:01:39+0000