
Using LLMs to Generate Fuzz Generators

LLMs seem surprisingly good at many things. So much so that not a week goes by without someone coming up with yet another use-case for this technology, often to solve tasks quickly that traditionally took a non-trivial amount of human work to complete. Today’s example was Brendan Dolan-Gavitt’s ...

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Hasnain says:

“A quick experiment with Claude suggests this approach could be promising (with some prompting, Claude was able to generate a program to generate an input to trigger the Heartbleed-style vulnerability mentioned above). But of course further work is needed to validate this approach and work out what challenges need to be overcome to make it practical (if indeed it can be made practical).

That’s certainly more work than can be squeezed into the odd free moment on a heatwave weekend.”

Posted on 2024-03-11T01:38:11+0000