Mumbling Isn’t a Sign of Laziness—It’s a Clever Data-Compression Trick - Facts So Romantic -...
Many of us have been taught that pronouncing vowels indistinctly and dropping consonants are symptoms of slovenly speech, if not outright…
Lenovo's Response to Its Dangerous Adware Is Astonishingly Clueless | WIRED
Lenovo says that the Superfish adware it preinstalled on laptop computers isn't a security problem. That's not true. And guess what? It breaks Slack too.
Check if you trust the Superfish CA
What's this about? Turns out Lenovo preloaded their laptops with adware that will intercept all your secure connections, and allow hackers to do it, too. This is a test to check if you are affected.
Errata Security: Extracting the SuperFish certificate
Hasnain says:
And here's the private key if you know anyone with a Lenovo laptop.
Posted on 2015-02-19T17:14:54+0000
Oliver Sacks on Learning He Has Terminal Cancer
I am now face to face with dying. But I am not finished with living.
Hasnain has not yet written a summary for this.
Posted on 2015-02-19T17:11:09+0000
Lenovo Caught Installing Adware On New Computers
It looks like Lenovo has been installing adware onto new consumer computers from the company that activates when taken out of the box for the first time. The adware, named Superfish,…
Hasnain says:
I used to recommend Lenovo. Now I'll be darned if I ever do.
Posted on 2015-02-19T17:09:50+0000
How Google determined our right to be forgotten
Google has acted as judge, jury and executioner in the wake of Europe’s right to be forgotten ruling. But what does society lose when a private corporation rules public information?
Fix conflicts only once with git rerere
Fixing conflicts is chore enough not to do the same ones over and over again. See how rerere makes Git remember your con…
The original indie dev: How one man made 22 games in 22 years, mostly from his basement
Jeff Vogel has created a prolific, independent game development success story without leaving his house. He tells us how it's done.
Hasnain says:
This is engrossing.
"It’s not good design, from a contemporary game design perspective, which is why I think that contemporary game design is actually kind of bad. I think a lot of game designers are so tight-assed and want everything to be so balanced and so super under control — I think that’s a bad instinct. We’re making games. We should allow them to go crazy sometimes."
Posted on 2015-02-18T17:12:42+0000
Why the World’s Biggest Military Keeps Losing Wars
America’s inability to translate its immense firepower into meaningful political effect suggests the $500 billion it spends annually on defence is wasted.
Hasnain says:
" America’s inability to translate its immense firepower into meaningful political effect suggests the $500 billion it spends annually on defence is wasted. In a recent article in the Atlantic Magazine, James Fallows asked the previously unmentionable question: how can America spend more on its military than all the other great powers combined and still be unable to impose its will on even moderately sized enemies?"
Posted on 2015-02-17T20:14:29+0000