
The Gig Economy Won't Last Because It's Being Sued To Death

If Uber, Lyft, and others don't stop relying on contract workers, business could crumble. Is it time for a new definition of employee?

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Hasnain says:

" Perhaps most frightening for companies like Handy and Uber was when, FedEx--a company that many gig economy companies had pointed to as an analog example of why their hiring practices are legal--lost a string of the many class action lawsuits that allege it has misclassified its delivery truck drivers as independent contractors"

Posted on 2015-02-17T17:50:20+0000


Apple Promotes Strange New Game Type In iOS App Store, 'Pay Once And Play'

Apple is using their position as a leader in mobile to promote a new kind of game that has the potential to take the scene by storm. Apple has employed their much coveted “Featured” section in the iOS app store to showcase games in a category they call “Pay Once [...]

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Hasnain says:

" I asked about Hardy’s observations regarding age—Hardy also wrote, “A mathematician may still be competent enough at sixty, but it is useless to expect him to have original ideas.”"

Posted on 2015-02-14T01:16:35+0000


Fuck It, I'm Going Back to Firefox

Remember when we all switched from Firefox to Chrome? Chrome was stripped down, simple but fast as hell. It was like browsing the web on a whole new computer. These days Chrome is bloated, slow, and constantly crashing on me. I've finally reached the breaking point.

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Online Algorithms in High-frequency Trading - ACM Queue

HFT (high-frequency trading) has emerged as a powerful force in modern financial markets. Only 20 years ago, most of the trading volume occurred in exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange, where humans dressed in brightly colored outfits would gesticulate and scream their trading intentions. N…

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Broadband Competition in the US: 12.1% Only Have Access to 1 Wired Provider

Since 2010 the US government has spent $3.3B on broadband infrastructure yet 39 Million Americans only have access to 1 wired broadband provider. See the worst states and learn more about your state.

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Not even the lack of a trademark can cool sales of the original Sriracha

Wander down almost any supermarket aisle and it's easy to spot one of the food industry's hottest fads. Sriracha, the fiery red Asian chili sauce, has catapulted from a cult hit to flavor du jour, infusing burgers, potato chips, candy, vodka and even lip balm.

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Harvard and M.I.T. Sued Over Failing to Caption Online Courses

A federal class action filed by advocates for the deaf says both schools violate antidiscrimination laws by not providing closed captioning in online lectures and podcasts.

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