
Linux Profiling at Netflix

Talk for SCaLE13x: Profiling can show what your Linux kernel and appliacations are doing in detail, across all software stack layers. This talk shows how we ar…

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Phones can be tracked by battery use

Android phones can be tracked without using their GPS or wi-fi data by studying their power use over time, a study finds.

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Komodia/Superfish SSL Validation is broken

If you are on the ball already and just want the new vulnerability, scroll to the "client side SSL verification" section. tl;dr The Komodia/Superfish proxy can be made to allow self-signed certificates without warnings. Recap Some Lenovo laptops...

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Why the Euro will ultimately fail | Maximise Why the Euro will ultimately fail | Startups,...

Trouble is, once again, brewing in the eurozone, and politicians, journalist and bureaucrats are doing their best to provide commentary and solutions to the ongoing crisis. Yet it seems that very few understand the root of the problem.

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Hasnain says:

" This disaster was entirely avoidable if the Euro bureaucrats had bothered to read Robert Mundall and Marcus Flemming’s seminal paper from 1962 which stated that according to well established macro economic models it was impossible to have domestic fiscal autonomy, fixed exchange rates, and free capital flows: no more than two of those objectives could be met. They won the nobel prize in economics for this in 1992, so it’s not exactly an obscure crackpot theory."

Posted on 2015-02-21T01:21:35+0000


The Great SIM Heist: How Spies Stole the Keys to the Encryption Castle

American and British spies hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world.

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