Dark Patterns by the Boston Globe
After years of falling revenue, some newspapers have resorted to deception to boost their subscription numbers. These dishonest tactics are sometimes called “dark patterns” – user…
Hasnain says:
"In the short term, these dishonest tricks raise revenue for newspapers that use them. But in the longer term, they do even more damage, by giving the whole industry a reputation for bad business practices. Cable companies can get away with it because of government-granted monopolies; newspapers won’t be able to."
Posted on 2016-04-26T06:46:57+0000
The Epic Rise of America's Greatest Business Tycoon
John D. Rockefeller was the greatest businessman to ever live. Here's how he did it.
Hasnain says:
This is a really interesting short bio.
"It was around this time that Rockefeller learned the power of interest. “The impression was gaining ground with me that it was a good thing to let the money be my servant and not make myself a slave to the money,” he said of this time. As a kid, Rockefeller was known for being particularly serious and rarely smiled."
Posted on 2016-04-26T06:38:36+0000
The first rule of pricing is: you do not talk about pricing — Fluxx Studio Notes
I’ve been slightly obsessed about pricing since 2010. Before joining Fluxx, I was part of the team that changed the pric…
Hasnain has not yet written a summary for this.
Posted on 2016-04-26T06:03:52+0000
Debugging memory corruption: who the hell writes “2” into my stack?! – Unity Blog
Hi, my name is Tautvydas and I’m a software developer at Unity working in the Windows team. I’d like...
The web is Doom - mobiForge
In July 2015 I suggested that the average web page weight would equal that of the Doom install image in about 7 months time. In about 7 months average web page size will be same as Doom install image. Well done us! Onwards & upwards! pic.twitter.com/xtSAtZjPGl — ronan cremin (@xbs) July 30, 2015 Wel…
Boaty McBoatface and the False Promise of Democracy
Is the British government’s response to a naming contest tyrannical? Or the very definition of the democratic process?
Hasnain says:
"Anticipating the government’s resistance to Boaty McBoatface back in March, the journalist Ross Clark observed, “Our leaders, of course, love democracy—until it comes up with an answer different to the one they were expecting.”"
Posted on 2016-04-22T14:55:49+0000
Computer Science Reveals Exactly How To Organize Your Closet
Step aside, Martha Stewart: It's time to get your closet and piles of paper organized! Computer science can help.
Hasnain says:
Pretty good read on real world caching. Probably won't be able to get away with the pile of clothes though...
"In short, the mathematics of self-organizing lists suggests something radical: the big pile of papers on your desk, far from being a guilt-inducing fester of chaos, is actually one of the most well-designed and efficient structures available. What might appear to others to be an unorganized mess is, in fact, a self-organizing mess. Tossing things back on the top of the pile is the very best you can do, shy of knowing the future. You don’t need to organize that unsorted pile of paper.
You already have."
Posted on 2016-04-22T07:58:53+0000
A Protocol for Dying - Hintjens.com
DomCode 2015, Nov 2015 (keynote)Coding Serbia, Oct 2015 (keynote)Euroscipy, Cambridge, Aug 2015 (keynote)PyGrunn, Groningen, May 2015Craft Conf, Budapest, Apr 2015QCon London, Mar 2015Code Mesh London, Nov 2014Build Stuff, Vilnius 2014Build Stuff, Vilnius, Nov 2014 (interview)Coding Serbia, Nov 2014…
Implementers, Solvers, and Finders
I was talking to a former student when he brought up an article written by a well-seasoned programmer regretting his choice of career. This fellow had rejec...
Inside Pascal: NVIDIA’s Newest Computing Platform
Today at the 2016 GPU Technology Conference in San Jose, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang announced the new NVIDIA Tesla P100, the most advanced accelerator ever built. Based on the new NVIDIA Pascal GP10…