
inessential: Performance These Days

Mike Ash reports that objc_msgSend takes 2.6 nanoseconds on his Mac and 2.7 nanoseconds on his iPhone. This shouldn’t come as much surprise — we’ve known since Mike’s first report in 2007 that objc_msgSend is fast. (Though this function isn’t the only measure of Objective-C’s speed relative to other…

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Hasnain says:

"It’s not surprising that skins gambling has avoided legal scrutiny. Obscured by several layers of abstraction, the wagering is tucked away in a subculture that most mainstream legal authorities don’t know exists. Gaming lawyers say Valve could be legally vulnerable; on the other hand, this is a rapidly changing area of the law with little established precedent."

Posted on 2016-04-22T05:16:01+0000


I am Alex St. John’s Daughter, and He is Wrong About Women in Tech

My name is Amilia St. John and I am the daughter of Alex St. John. Yes, that one. For those not following the horrific t…

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Hasnain says:

This is an amazing rebuttal.

I'm not sure if people saw the original material the guy wrote. I saw his recruiting deck,laughed as I thought it was satire, and was horrified when I learnt it was his true opinions. And coming from the guy who wrote DirectX.

Posted on 2016-04-22T04:05:56+0000



Hasnain says:

"There were more too. I’ve won 2 bronze medals at IOI, 1 bronze at CEOI, 2 silvers at IZhO. Mari, Ani and I competed in HackerRank Women’s Cup as a team last year, and we ranked third place! Some companies that sponsored the event even sent us a letter after the contest, but I had to tell them that we’re too young right now to work for them."

Really inspiring.

Posted on 2016-04-21T05:55:43+0000


Mad scientist shrinks Arduino to size of an AA battery

The hardware tinkerers and prototype mavens out there will invariably have stumbled across the Arduino platform. Completely open source and always pushing the..

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It’s Time to Wipe Mosquitoes Off the Face of the Earth

“The level of alarm is extremely high,” said the head of the World Health Organization on Thursday, describing the spread of Zika virus around the worl ...

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Hasnain says:

"One rant, reasonably mild, one time, by a teen against an adult in a position of authority. By this low standard, I’ve been “cyberbullied” over Twitter and email most days."

Posted on 2016-04-21T05:04:36+0000


Hasnain says:

"Nicholas Ori, a teenage neighbor of mine, recently described a flight he took a couple of years ago to compete in a swim tournament among several international schools of West Africa. He and his teammates flew one of the regional airlines from Dakar to Lagos, Nigeria. On the return trip the pilot announced the plane needed to make an unplanned stop — to refuel.

The plane descended onto the runway in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and the passengers shuffled into the airport. The crew proceeded to take up a collection. That’s right: They hit up the Dakar Jaguars middle school swim team for gas money. Nicholas wasn’t sure who finally ponied up, but the flight eventually returned safely to Dakar."

This sounds a little made up though.

Posted on 2016-04-21T05:00:09+0000


19 Tips For Everyday Git Use

If you are completely new to git, I suggest reading Git Cheat Sheet first. This article is aimed at somebody who has been using git for three months or more. Table of Contexts: Parameters for bette…

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