
Samsung to Permanently Discontinue Galaxy Note 7 Smartphone

Samsung said it would permanently discontinue production and sales of its embattled Galaxy Note 7 smartphone. Potential losses to Samsung could wipe out the mobile division’s operating profits for the fourth quarter, according to one estimate.

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Hasnain says:

"As a final knife-twist, Buffett notes that he is currently being audited — but releasing information from his return anyway, since that is totally allowed, despite Trump's protests to the contrary."

Posted on 2016-10-11T04:58:04+0000



How To Save The Princess In 8 Programming Languages

Programming sucks. This fairytale comic shows the different ways in which programming languages could fail you in the fantasy kingdom.

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Istanbul airport motorcycle bomb leaves 'at least ten people' injured

‘AT least ten’ people have been injured after a bomb exploded near Istanbul airport. Emergency services rushed to the scene after the explosion rocked the area close to the transport hu…

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Hasnain says:

"According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 64,000 steelworkers in America last year, and 820,000 home health aides — more than double the population of Pittsburgh. Next year, there will be fewer steelworkers and still more home health aides, as baby boomers fade into old age. Soon, we will be living in the United States of Home Health Aides, yet the candidates keep talking about steelworkers. Many home health aides live close to the poverty line: Average annual wages were just $22,870 last year. If both parties are willing to meddle with the marketplace in order to help one sector, why not do the same for jobs that currently exist?"

Posted on 2016-10-05T22:45:45+0000


Why's that company so big? I could do that in a weekend

I can’t think of a single large software company that doesn’t regularly draw internet comments of the form “What do all the employees do? I could build their product myself.” Benjamin Pollack and Jeff Atwood called out people who do that with Stack Overflow. But Stack Overflow is relatively obviousl...

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Hasnain says:

Love the discussion on this too.

Bonus points for when you interview a candidate and they're surprised how big the company is

Posted on 2016-10-05T03:48:41+0000


That time Amazon flipped a default and made me thousands of dollars

Big companies have a way of accidentally stepping on little companies sometimes. But every once in awhile, they leave us better off.

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U.S. paid P.R. firm $540 million to make fake al-Qaida videos in Iraq propaganda program

Report: Pentagon paid company founded by Maggie Thatcher's P.R. guru half a billion for secret war propaganda

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