xkcd: Work
Hasnain says:
This is pretty much what engineering is. Software is very similar.
Posted on 2016-10-03T18:06:25+0000
Ranking the Most Beloved TV Shows That Got Canceled
What do the TV shows Firefly, Twin Peaks, and Freaks and Geeks all have in common?
Hasnain says:
Interesting data. Definitely want to see more flashforward
Posted on 2016-10-03T03:19:38+0000
Governor’s Director of Emergency Services Reminds Californians to be Prepared for Earthquakes - Cal OES Newsroom
SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Following a swarm of recent small magnitude earthquakes that began on Monday near the Salton Sea in Southern California, the Director of the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services reminded local emergency managers and the public to be prepared for the potential of similar or la...
Internal email: Microsoft forms new 5,000-person AI division; key exec Qi Lu leaving after bike injury
Microsoft says it has formed a new 5,000-person engineering and research team to focus on its artificial intelligence products — a major reshaping of the c
A day after veto override, Congress has second thoughts and may fix Sept. 11 bill
Less than a day after Congress overrode President Obama ’s veto of a bill that would let 9/11 victims’ families sue Saudi Arabia, top GOP leaders said they might need to fix the new law to protect U.S. national security interests.
Indie Hackers: Learn from Profitable Saas Businesses
Hasnain has not yet written a summary for this.
Posted on 2016-09-29T05:29:22+0000
Video claiming drilling into iPhone 7 will reveal hidden headphone port goes viral
Prank video destroying new Apple smartphone receives 10m views, with some seemingly tricked into making 3.5mm hole in the bottom of their devices
Beer-making has remained essentially unchanged for hundreds of years. Now the hydrodynamic process of cavitation is set to change everything
The formation and collapse of tiny bubbles dramatically changes the chemistry, engineering, and cost of beer-making.
London’s Lonely Unicorn: Two Frugal Expats and Their Billion-Dollar Startup
How innovative does a startup have to be?
Hasnain says:
Basically a paid ad, but it was interesting to learn how Transferwise achieves their rates
Posted on 2016-09-26T17:54:02+0000
A.I. Doesn't Get Black Twitter
The language of the internet doesn't follow the rules of English.
Hasnain has not yet written a summary for this.
Posted on 2016-09-26T04:59:46+0000