The Art of Unix Programming
My fourth book.
Dear graduates: Don’t follow your dreams (A commencement speech for the mediocre)
The brutal truth is that most people can't pay the bills by "living their passion." So what can we do instead?
Hasnain says:
"See, commencement speakers are the outliers — the most successful, interesting people that colleges can find — and their experiences are the most inspirational but also the least realistic. Even worse, they tend to be far too willing to dish out the craziest, worst advice, simply because it somehow worked for them. “Follow your dreams” and “live your passions” are insanely unhelpful tips when the bills need paying or the rent is almost due. "
Posted on 2014-05-24T17:17:10+0000's New Look
Check out Virgin America's fly new website at on your desktop, mobile device, or tablet! #VXnewlook
Hasnain says:
Love the new look. And the new boarding pass design is something that was sorely needed.
Posted on 2014-05-24T00:06:25+0000
A History of Tug-of-War Fatalities
Ignore simple physics and your appendage could be amputated by a tug of war rope.
An Open Letter on Feminism In Tech
We are tired of pretending this stuff doesn’t happen.
My No-Soap, No-Shampoo, Bacteria-Rich Hygiene Experiment
What happens when you leave cleanliness up to your microbiome?
Hasnain says:
This is a pretty interesting experiment.
"The most extreme case is David Whitlock, the M.I.T.-trained chemical engineer who invented AO+. He has not showered for the past 12 years. He occasionally takes a sponge bath to wash away grime but trusts his skin’s bacterial colony to do the rest. I met these men. I got close enough to shake their hands, engage in casual conversation and note that they in no way conveyed a sense of being “unclean” in either the visual or olfactory sense."
Posted on 2014-05-22T18:14:13+0000
The Myth That Americans Are Busier Than Ever
"How did we get so busy?" the New Yorker asks. Let's define busy. And, while we're at it, let's define we, too.
Ripe For Disruption - Jacques Mattheij
Disruption is something that you can usually only establish after the fact. A decade later or so you can look back and say ‘x’ disrupted …
sean cassidy : Meditations
Last year I started reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius1. While I was reading it, I was struck at how many of the entries were just simple reminders to himself. Don't get mad at people unnecessarily. Remember that you are just one of many. Don't get distracted.He was making the same mistakes over…
Hasnain says:
These are amazing quotes that every software person should follow.
Posted on 2014-05-22T03:44:45+0000
ZeniMax Media Inc
ZeniMax Media Inc
Hasnain says:
This could get ugly.
Posted on 2014-05-22T03:42:48+0000