
Patching the Newton | Dadhacker

This one ends with me going into a Good Guys electronics store in a suburb of Boston, flashing my employee badge and saying “I’m from Apple. Take me to your Newtons.” I wanted to use a deep G-man voice, but I didn’t have the build for it. Also, I was wearing the slightly redonkulous khaki-pants and…

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Hasnain says:

"The Guy from Apple exits Good Guys, checks it off the list, and proceeds to the next store on his assignment. G-Man is surprised what we was able to do by flashing his Apple badge and adopting some bluster; just walk in, make some demands and start cracking open merchandise. That’s kind of disturbing, really."

This is a really great story about patching devices in the 90s. Also kind of worrying how easy it was/is to do social engineering.

Posted on 2014-08-04T03:19:56+0000