
Story behind football's innovative yellow first down line |

The large conference room full of ESPN executives was silent as Jerry Gepner and I finished presenting a simulation of a yellow, electronic first down line for football telecasts in May 1998. Finally, the silence was broken.

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Pointers Gone Wild - LiquidHaskell

Pointers Gone WildClick to demoMay 28th, 2014A large part of the allure of Haskell is its elegant, high-level ADTs that ensure1 that programs won’t be plagued by problems like the infamous SSL heartbleed bug.However, another part of Haskell’s charm is that when you really really need to, you can dro…

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Be a kernel hacker | Linux Voice

The Linux kernel is quite different from its user space: many abstractions are waived, and you have to take extra care, as a bug in you code affects the whole system.

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100+ Interesting Data Sets for Statistics

Looking for interesting data sets? Here's a list of more than 100 of the best stuff, from dolphin relationships to political campaign donations to death row prisoners.

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Wait-free queueing and ultra-low latency logging

To support a low-latency trading system I needed a logging call that had minimal impact on the calling thread. It was imperative to be responsive to market events at all times. My solution was a wa...

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Defensive BASH programming - Say what?

Here is my Katas for creating BASH programs that work. Nothing is new here, but from my experience pepole like to abuse BASH, forget computer science …

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“Let’s, Like, Demolish Laundry”

Silicon Valley is in a bubbly race to wash your clothes better, faster, and cooler. This is not a metaphor. Unless, you know, it is.

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Hasnain says:

"Of course, this was not at all true. In reality, when people in a privileged society look deep within themselves to find what is missing, a streamlined clothes-cleaning experience comes up a lot. More often than not, the people who come up with ways of lessening this burden on mankind are dudes, or duos of dudes, who have only recently experienced the crushing realization that their laundry is now their own responsibility, forever. Paradoxically, many of these dudes start companies that make laundry the central focus of their lives."

Posted on 2014-05-30T00:41:56+0000