
Hasnain says:

“But what concerns us is what we’re seeing in the clinic every day: More young people, otherwise healthy with no genetic syndrome, being diagnosed with very advanced stages of gastrointestinal cancers. For men under 50, colorectal cancer is now the leading cause of cancer-related death, surpassing central nervous system tumors as well as lung cancers. In women under 50, it is now the second leading cause of cancer death. These are concerning numbers and we are all working hard to understand why this is happening.

What’s your sense of possible culprits?

We see this generational change — a “birth cohort effect” — in the rise of young-onset cancers. That leads us to suspect that a recent change in an environmental exposure or a combination of exposures is contributing to the rise. The main hypothesis is that some not-as-yet-identified environmental exposure is affecting individuals, starting in early life. The exposure perhaps occurs in utero, in infancy, or during childhood. That then predisposes us to cancers at an earlier age. A lot of work has been focused on what the environmental exposures may be and what they might be doing biologically to lead to cancer development at a younger age.”

Posted on 2024-02-13T03:19:40+0000


Israel’s assault on Gaza is exposing the holes in everything liberal politicians claim to believe | Nesrine Malik

Starmer and Biden see themselves as custodians of stability. But their support for this bloody conflict shows nothing but weakness, says Guardian columnist Nesrine Malik

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Hasnain says:

“Gaza has become the expression of a legitimacy crisis for an Anglo-American political class who preside over already fragile systems that deliver less and less to their populations, and whose main offering is that the alternative is worse. Things may look stable, but underneath lurk managed discontents about costs of living, diminished social mobility and the ravages wreaked by rightwing governments to which centrists provide no real answer.”

Posted on 2024-02-12T19:52:47+0000


Hasnain says:

I remember reading the original tweet thread and finding the story hilarious. Really cool to see the name change is now official!

“But Nasser couldn’t just leave it there. “By then, I don’t know, I had sort of fallen for this thing,” he tells Sky & Telescope. “I think if it had been labeled on the poster as 2002VE, for whatever weird mystical reason, I don’t think I would have fallen in love with it quite as hard as I did.” But somehow the funny-sounding name Zoozve had really struck a chord with him.

“So I was like, ok, can we actually change it?” Nasser set about learning the somewhat arcane process for the formal naming of asteroids, and asked for Skiff’s help.”

Posted on 2024-02-12T03:03:00+0000


Israel-Hamas war live updates: Israel conducts airstrikes in Rafah despite global concerns

Netanyahu pledges safe passage for Rafah civilians ahead of Israel ground invasion; Israel says it discovered tunnels under U.N. agency's Gaza headquarters; CIA chief heading to Egypt for hostage, cease-fire talks

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Hasnain says:

Rafah is being bombed right nkw - 1.5 million refugees suffering from a genocide, conveniently timed to happen during the Super Bowl. I have no words, just pain.


Posted on 2024-02-12T02:00:03+0000


‘I’m so scared, please come’: Hind Rajab, six, found dead in Gaza 12 days after cry for help

Girl who pleaded with Red Crescent to rescue her found dead along with several relatives and two paramedics who tried to save her

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Hasnain says:

“Hind’s mother, Wissam Hamada, added: “I will question before God on Judgment Day those who heard my daughter’s cries for help and did not save her.””

Posted on 2024-02-11T15:50:22+0000


Simple Precision Time Protocol at Meta

While deploying Precision Time Protocol (PTP) at Meta, we’ve developed a simplified version of the protocol (Simple Precision Time Protocol – SPTP), that can offer the same level of clock syn…

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Hasnain says:

More fun time stuff.

“SPTP can offer significantly simpler, faster, and more reliable synchronization. Similar to G.8265.1 and G.8275.2 it provides excellent synchronization quality using a different set of parameters. Simplification comes with certain tradeoffs, such as missing signaling messages, that users need to be aware of and decide”

Posted on 2024-02-08T04:02:12+0000


How Precision Time Protocol is being deployed at Meta

Implementing Precision Time Protocol (PTP) at Meta allows us to synchronize the systems that drive our products and services down to nanosecond precision. PTP’s predecessor, Network Time Protocol (…

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Hasnain says:

Learnt way too much about time and protocols from this one.

“We believe PTP will become the standard for keeping time in computer networks in the coming decades. That’s why we’re deploying it on an unprecedented scale. We’ve had to take a critical look at our entire infrastructure stack — from the GNSS antenna down to the client API — and in many cases we’ve even rebuilt things from scratch.”

Posted on 2024-02-08T03:55:34+0000


The Nigerian professor who makes more money welding

He has shocked many of his colleagues, who regard it as a menial job but are jealous of his income.

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Hasnain says:

“His fellow academic, Prof Yusuf Jubril, explains that their colleagues find it strange: "Society make us think someone is too big for certain roles and it's not true.
"What he is doing is not humiliating but commendable, and I hope others learn from him."”

Posted on 2024-02-07T21:36:22+0000


Hasnain says:

“Even a highway network paved completely with quiet asphalt and driven upon exclusively by appropriately sized electric vehicles, however, is not enough to make roadways places of repose. As one biologist told Goldfarb in “Crossings,” “the best way to preserve quiet habitat for wildlife is to not build the damn road … Once you do, you’re in big trouble.” Goldfarb’s book considers the barriers that keep animals off the highway, so they don’t become roadkill. These barriers must also keep the dull shriek of the highway within its boundaries.”

Posted on 2024-02-07T19:28:01+0000


Hasnain says:

“It might seem insane to take a bet on inexperienced people, especially in the context of hiring them to work at a company in our current layoff-heavy market. I certainly don’t suggest populating an entire company with this type of person. But every great high growth company needs at least some high potential and unconventional people. Transformative companies need people to 1) do something crazy, time consuming, and novel without the burden of too much past experience and yet 2) have enough wisdom and experience to distinguish the special sauce of the business from the actually destructive craziness. It’s easier to find and evaluate the experienced folks who can do the latter thing. It’s almost impossible to find the right inexperienced ones to do the former, who are inventive and original and yet also disciplined. They don’t have any obvious past experience that helps you figure out how special they are.”

Posted on 2024-02-07T19:22:17+0000