
Israel Massacres Children, Which The Western Press Says Is Fine

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Israel has not only completely disregarded the orders of the International Court of Justice to cease its assault on Rafah as we expected it to do, but has actually ramped up its ruthlessness as though trying to make a point. There were repo...

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Hasnain says:

I did a double take when I first read that Atlantic piece because what depraved demon from the depths of hell do you have to be to go out and imply “yes it was legal to kill this child and it’s unfortunate to imply we were illegally killing this child (which would be bad)”

“Think about the kind of worldview which could publish something like that. This made it through the entire editing process in a mainstream liberal publication.

Anyone who’s been following the Gaza genocide on social media today will be seeing this phrase “legally killed child” alongside footage of children ripped apart by Israeli military explosives in a civilian displacement camp — a pairing which, if you have a beating heart in your chest and a functioning empathy center in your brain, will spark a very special kind of rage inside you.

The way these two points dance together just says so much about what we’re dealing with here, when you take a step back and really look at it. It says so much about Israel. It says so much about western civilization. It says so much about the western press in general and liberal war propaganda rags like The Atlantic in particular. It says so much about the kind of mainstream political worldview which could allow for such a thing to exist. And it says we live in a civilization that has gone completely, utterly insane.”

Posted on 2024-05-27T05:54:44+0000