
The Day the Purpose of College Changed

On February 28, 1967, Gov. Ronald Reagan spoke of "certain intellectual luxuries that perhaps we could do without." Here's why liberal education has never recovered.

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A Gentle Primer on Reverse Engineering | Emily St.

Over the weekend at Women Who Hack I gave a short demonstration on reverse engineering. I wanted to show how “cracking” works, to give a better understanding of how programs work once they’re compiled. It also serves my abiding interest in processors and other low-level stuff from the 80s.

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Who Owns Los Angeles?

"What is this you call property?”, asked Massasoit, the leader of the Native American Wampanoag tribe. “It cannot be the earth, for the land is our mother, nourishing all her children, beasts, bird...

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One Week of Harassment on Twitter

Ever since I began my Tropes vs Women in Video Games project, two and a half years ago, I’ve been harassed on a daily basis by irate gamers angry at my critiques of sexism in video games. It can...

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Main is usually a function. So then when is it not?

It began when my coworker, despite already knowing how to program, was forced to take the intro level Computer Science course at my university. We joked with...

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All the Technology but None of the Love - Jacques Mattheij

This post has been re-written several times, so please forgive me if it does not come across as coherent as I would like to. The main reason for the …

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Hasnain says:

" Please do not become one of those people in tech that are just in it for the money but that actually hate the technology itself."

This is full of gems

Posted on 2015-01-27T17:04:01+0000
