
Cultivated Disinterest in Professional Sports

Like many of my friends, I have treated professional sports with cultivated indifference. But a year and a half ago, I decided to become a football fan. Several years ago, I was at a talk by Michae...

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Hasnain says:

" This ignorance among highly educated people limits our ability to communicate, bond, and build relationships across different segments of society. It limits our ability to engage in conversations and build a common culture that crosses our highly stratified and segmented societies. "

Posted on 2015-01-31T01:23:33+0000


The Surprising Secret of India’s Success Could Be its Brain Drain

For decades, developing country governments have struggled with what is called the “brain drain” but new research suggests in India’s case it could be a good thing.

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Student fury over 'impossible' exam

Final year economics students at Sheffield University are furious after an exam this week contained "impossible" questions.

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How Patrick McKenzie (patio11) Builds Twilio Apps

You may know Patrick McKenzie as patio11 on the interwebs. He's the: founder of Bingo Card Creator highest rated commenter on Hacker News author of Sel

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The real reason measles cases spiked in 2014: the Ohio Amish

Last year was terrible for measles in the United States: there were 644 cases — the highest annual caseload in two decades. Granola-crunching Californians, wealthy Oregonians, and Jenny McCarthy...

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Hasnain says:

""We all took the vaccine after that. I had one shot, and I still took the other one and we had all our kids vaccinated, too. After people saw how sick people got, they changed their minds.""

I sometimes feel one major reason people don't get their kids vaccinated is that they've forgotten how horrible these diseases can be

Posted on 2015-01-29T17:09:54+0000


The Free Code Camp Blog: A Vision of Coding, Without Opening your Eyes

We blog about learning to code by pair programming on projects that help nonprofits. We also blog about MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js and Node.js - the JavaScript MEAN stack. Sign up for Free Code Camp here.

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