

The 1% hide their money offshore – then use it to corrupt our democracy | Aditya Chakrabortty

From US billionaires to City barons, the super-rich are buying political influence as never before. Our politicians now work for them, not for us

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Evicted by Matthew Desmond – what if the problem of poverty is that it’s profitable to other people?

‘There is an enormous amount of pain and poverty in this rich land,’ argues American sociologist Desmond in this brilliant book about housing and the lives of eight families in Milwaukee

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Climate-Related Death of Coral Around World Alarms Scientists

Researchers believe that bleaching, which they attribute to heat stress compounded by climate change, is threatening more than a third of the planet’s reefs.

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Millennial Employees Confound Big Banks

Investment banks are trying to stop an exodus of junior bankers by adjusting their advancement models to better suit the expectations of the millennial generation.

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Hasnain says:

"Some bankers are baffled by the attitude of their more junior colleagues. There is a pain point among midlevel bankers who “can sometimes get frustrated if the younger analyst isn’t as available as they want them to be,” says Mr. Waldron, Goldman’s investment banking co-head.

Nevertheless, he says, “just because other people worked 80 to 100 hours [each week] in their life history doesn’t mean these people should.”"

Posted on 2016-04-10T03:19:19+0000


Exploding offers are bullshit · Erik Bernhardsson

Exploding offers are bullshit 2016-03-16 I do a lot of recruiting and have given maybe 50 offers in my career. Although many companies do, I never put a deadline on any of them. Unfortunately, I’ve often ended up competing with other companies who do, and I feel really bad that this usually tricks y…

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Hasnain says:

"People pulling 16-hour days on a regular basis are exhausted. They’re just too tired to notice that their work has suffered because of it."

Posted on 2016-04-09T07:23:45+0000


The Panama Papers prove it: America can afford a universal basic income | Colin Holtz

If the super-rich actually paid what they owe in taxes, the US would have loads more money available for public services

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