
How I Learned to Stop Ordering 'Thai Spicy'

There's a myth that Thai food has to be unbearably spicy. It doesn't and shouldn't. Here's how I learned that more spice doesn't always equal a better, more authentic meal.

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Hasnain says:

"But Postman was a critic of more than TV alone. He mistrusted entertainment, not as a situation but as a political tool; he worried that Americans’ great capacity for distraction had compromised their ability to think, and to want, for themselves. He resented the tyranny of the lol. His great observation, and his great warning, was a newly relevant kind of bummer: There are dangers that can come with having too much fun."

Posted on 2018-03-27T05:45:47+0000


The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society

A new survey report looks at attitudes among Muslims in 39 countries on a wide range of topics, from science to sharia, polygamy to popular culture. The survey finds that overwhelming percentages of Muslims in many countries want Islamic law to be the official law of their land, but there is also wi...

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Hasnain says:

I've only read two chapters so far, bookmarking this for future reading. Survey from 2013 which covers Muslim beliefs about various things. Goes into some detail, and it was interesting to see how attitudes vary by country (and especially getting data to back up some intuition)

Posted on 2018-03-24T20:48:36+0000


A Cosmic Burst Repeats, Deepen­ing a Mystery | Quanta Magazine

After a surprise discovery, astrophysicists are racing to understand superenergetic flashes of radio waves that sometimes beep out from distant galaxies.

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Hasnain says:

"“It’s like making a movie of the sky at 200 frames per second,” said Chatterjee, who is one of the collaboration’s leaders. “And we made this movie over 10 hours and we saw absolutely nothing.”"

Posted on 2018-03-24T20:40:26+0000


EXCLUSIVE: ‘Lone DNC Hacker’ Guccifer 2.0 Slipped Up and Revealed He Was a Russian Intelligence Officer

Robert Mueller’s team has taken over the investigation of Guccifer 2.0, who communicated with (and was defended by) longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone.

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Breaking the Ledger Security Model

In this post, I’m going to discuss a vulnerability I discovered in Ledger hardware wallets. The vulnerability arose due to Ledger’s use of a custom architecture to work around many of the limitations of their Secure Element.

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luxe engine | A lovingly hand crafted game engine

luxe is a free, cross platform, open source, rapid development game engine to make games for Mac, Linux, Windows, iOS, Android and Web & more**consoles wip but too early to discuss.

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Hasnain says:

Haven't fully dug into the data yet.

"The Tech Leavers Study is a first-of-its-kind national study examining why people voluntarily left their jobs in tech. The Kapor Center for Social Impact and Harris Poll surveyed a representative sample of more than 2,000 U.S. adults who have left a job in a technology-related industry or function within the last three years.

What did we learn?

Workplace culture drives turnover, significantly affecting the retention of underrepresented groups, and costing the industry more than $16 billion each year."

Posted on 2018-03-17T00:09:03+0000


China to bar people with bad 'social credit' from planes, trains

China said it will begin applying its so-called social credit system to flights and trains and stop people who have committed misdeeds from taking such transport for up to a year.

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Everything Surrounding These New AMD Security Allegations Reeks of a Hit Job - ExtremeTech

AMD may have a serious security problem on its hands, but the disclosure of these issues was problematic, to say the least.

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Stephen Hawking, Who Examined the Universe and Explained Black Holes, Dies at 76

A physicist and best-selling author, Dr. Hawking did not allow his physical limitations to hinder his quest to answer “the big question: Where did the universe come from?”

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Obama in Talks to Provide Shows for Netflix

Former President Barack Obama does not intend to use the shows to respond to President Trump or conservative critics. He and Michelle Obama have talked about shows that highlight inspirational stories.

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How Two Photographers Unknowingly Shot the Same Millisecond in Time

On March 3rd, during a large East Coast winter storm, I headed to the ocean to capture some wave action. My travels eventually took me to Great Island Comm

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How I Potty Trained My Kid Using Twilio and an AWS IoT Button

Walkthrough of an IoT Potty Button which makes a phone call when a kid has to go. With Python, Twilio, AWS IoT, Lambda and an IoT Button build one-touch alerts to make a phone call. Includes sample code and links to build your own poop button or extend the idea.

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Into the Breach’s interface was a nightmare to make and the key to its greatness

Into the Breach's user interface is one of its greatest strengths but building it was one of the developer's greatest challenges

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Hasnain says:

This was a great read on UI/UX.

"“Just as a game design principle, we would sacrifice cool ideas for the sake of clarity every time,” says Ma. “If it can be shown in a clear way, yes, we can have that.”"

Posted on 2018-03-07T19:54:42+0000


Secret NYPD Files: Officers Can Lie To Juries Or Brutally Beat Civilians And Still Keep Their Jobs

Internal NYPD files show that hundreds of officers who committed the most serious offenses — from lying to grand juries to physically attacking innocent people — got to keep their jobs, their pensions, and their tremendous power over New Yorkers' lives. A BuzzFeed News investigation.

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Hasnain says:

Well this is scary.

"But in secret, after an investigation into Deluca’s arrest and the stomping incident a year later, Marrero pleaded guilty to multiple department charges, including striking an individual with “no legitimate police purpose,” “making unnecessary physical contact,” and “providing inaccurate, incomplete misleading answers” to department investigators, according to the files BuzzFeed News obtained.

Yet the NYPD commissioner at the time, Ray Kelly, decided that wasn’t a reason to fire him. Instead he was put on dismissal probation and he forfeited 45 vacation days.

Marrero remains on the force today, earning almost $120,000 last year. He continues to patrol the streets, making dozens of arrests since he was found guilty by the department."

Posted on 2018-03-06T06:12:52+0000



How not to run a CA – The Isoblog.

How not to run a CA Published by kris on 2018-03-01 Trustico is an SSL reseller, which just compromised 23.000 certificates they sold. TL;DR: Forget your EV or other certs. Just run “Let’s Encrypt”. It gets you a cert, it’s fresh, and it does not make any difference whatsoever. At least not ...

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Hasnain says:

Did the people complaining about the pathfinding in the game not play the original? It was just *as bad* as the original, which makes sense since they wanted to stay faithful to it.

Posted on 2018-03-01T18:02:23+0000