The Qualcomm DSP Driver - Unexpectedly Excavating an Exploit
Posted by Seth Jenkins, Google Project Zero This blog post provides a technical analysis of exploit artifacts provided to us by Google's Thr...
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Hasnain says:
It took less than 3 months of research to discover 6 separate bugs in the adsprpc driver, two of which (CVE-2024-49848 and CVE-2024-21455) were not fixed by Qualcomm under the industry standard 90-day deadline. Furthermore, at the time of writing, CVE-2024-49848 remains unfixed 145 days after it was reported. Past research has shown that chipset drivers for Android are a promising target for attackers, and this ITW exploit represents a meaningful real-world example of the negative ramifications that the current third-party vendor driver security posture poses to end-users. A system’s cybersecurity is only as strong as its weakest link, and chipset/GPU drivers represent one of the weakest links for privilege separation on Android in 2024. Improving both the consistency and quality of code and the efficiency of the third-party vendor driver patch dissemination process are crucial next steps in order to increase the difficulty of privilege escalation on Android devices.”