Common Misconceptions about Compilers
A curated list of misconceptions about mainstream compilers.
Hasnain says:
Chock full of great lessons about compilers and common misconceptions. I learnt a bunch of new things from this one and refreshed my memory about a number of others
“I hope that your answer is no. From a compiler developer's standpoint, this absolute garbage. Basically such a compiler is unusable. At best, it is some kind of research artifact that helps you explore an idea. But forget production. It's not even ok for debugging. To see why, consider a small project with say 5000 lines of code. With 99% correctness rate, this means that in every compilation, 50 lines of code are incorrect. Fifty! And the worst part is: you don't know which and they can be different with every code change. You probably have had the experience of tracking down a bug in a single line of code, which can be both frustrating and time-consuming. Image how it is debugging 50 changing lines of code! Now, imagine moving this to a large-scale project, with possibly millions of lines of code. No, thanks.”
Posted on 2024-12-15T04:56:02+0000