The Google Willow thing
Yesterday I arrived in Santa Clara for the Q2B (Quantum 2 Business) conference, which starts this morning, and where I’ll be speaking Thursday on “Quantum Algorithms in 2024: How Should…
Hasnain says:
There was so much debate about the google willow thing. I think it was a super impressive achievement but the implication people were taking that it somehow proves the many worlds interpretation correct seemed overblown.
"In his remarks yesterday, Google Quantum AI leader Hartmut Neven talked about David Deutsch’s argument, way back in the 1990s, that quantum computers should force us to accept the reality of the Everettian multiverse, since “where else could the computation have happened, if it wasn’t being farmed out to parallel universes?” And naturally there was lots of debate about that on Hacker News and so forth. Let me confine myself here to saying that, in my view, the new experiment doesn’t add anything new to this old debate. It’s yet another confirmation of the predictions of quantum mechanics. What those predictions mean for our understanding of reality can continue to argued as it’s been since the 1920s."
Posted on 2024-12-10T21:35:45+0000