Burning out and quitting
I'm burnt out. If you're reading this, there's a strong chance you're burnt out too. We're about to have, uh, a moment, so brace yourself.
Hasnain says:
Great read on burnout in the tech industry. I’m a few years late to this post but man did it resonate hard.
“Looking back, the best moment I had in 2020 was over Christmas break, sitting on the couch with my laptop. I spent all day, maybe 8 hours, reading about SolarWinds. My boyfriend told me to stop working. It wasn’t work, and it was great. I was learning something. Completing something. Doing something because I wanted to do it, not because it was the next urgent thing that needed to happen. It felt like work used to feel like. That’s what I’m looking forward to again.”
Posted on 2024-12-04T04:41:12+0000