
During the first 4 years of Tinybird (the company I founded) I’ve been helping our customers on the technical side (pre and post sales). I’ve probably talked to more than 100 companies and actively helped +50, ranging from those with just a few employees and Gigabytes of data to top companies in...

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Hasnain says:

“Let me finish with this, and it hurts: Most companies just need basic bash / make knowledge, a single instance SQL processing engine (DuckDB, CHDB or a few python scripts), a distributed file system, git and a developer workflow (CI/CD). Everything else is sugar and enterprise stuff. Not saying these last ones aren’t important, but the basics should be well covered, otherwise you’ll have a huge mess. I’m still surprised by how quickly we forget about the good practices we have learned over the years in software engineering (testing, deployment, collaboration, monitoring and so on)”

Posted on 2024-11-30T16:42:58+0000