
Rebuking The Washington Post For Whitewashing Genocide

The Post's Editorial Board has done a disservice to journalism, to human rights, and to international law. Read on as I dismantle each of their propaganda claims—with receipts.

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Hasnain says:

“I do not quite know what is worse. The prospect that billionaire Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos dictated this absurd Editorial Board article, similar to how he forbade the Washington Post from endorsing during the Presidential election? Or, the prospect that the Washington Post editorial board actually believes the bloviating fact-less propaganda they just published. Either way, it does not bode well for a healthy fourth estate committed to holding the powerful accountable.

The facts are clear. The ICC is perfectly within its jurisdiction, right, and obligation to hold Netanyahu, Gallant, and Hamas leaders accountable for war crimes. That the ICC has not yet reached the point of filing arrest warrants for each of the despots mentioned by The Post is nothing more than an argument for increased ICC funding so it can fulfill its mandate of prosecuting war crimes. Rather than excuse war crimes committed by people The Post likes, perhaps its editorial board can remember that their job as journalists is not to capitulate in the face of atrocity, but to hold fast the call for democracy. If this is a task too difficult for The Post’s board, then maybe it’s time to resign and let actual journalists take the lead.”

Posted on 2024-11-29T08:01:35+0000