
Hasnain says:

“For the team this is a moment of validation and success - finding a vulnerability in a widely-used and well fuzzed open source project is an exciting result! When provided with the right tools, current LLMs can perform vulnerability research.

However, we want to reiterate that these are highly experimental results. The position of the Big Sleep team is that at present, it's likely that a target-specific fuzzer would be at least as effective (at finding vulnerabilities).
We hope that in the future this effort will lead to a significant advantage to defenders - with the potential not only to find crashing testcases, but also to provide high-quality root-cause analysis, triaging and fixing issues could be much cheaper and more effective in the future. We aim to continue sharing our research in this space, keeping the gap between the public state-of-the-art and private state-of-the-art as small as possible.”

Posted on 2024-11-02T01:48:56+0000