
Hasnain says:

“SK: When Biden dropped out and Harris came in, I had a brief fleeting feeling that maybe there would be change. Maybe this dynamic will finally end. Maybe she’ll move away from the policies of the Biden administration, which I do think were meant to make liberals and Democrats accept things that they never ever would have accepted under Trump. Things they would have spoken out against five or ten years ago.

The Biden administration did this slowly. It was this little drip, drip, drip effect of gradually normalizing mass death. I remember when the number of covid deaths surpassed the number of people who died on 9/11, people were horrified. Then suddenly we’re at a million, and they just stop counting. The same thing happened with Gaza. When the initial deaths passed 1000, people were horrified. Then you get to 40,000 and they’ve stopped counting — in part because the Israeli military killed the people who count them.

Getting people used to mass death is a prelude for getting them to accept mass murder: not just in Gaza, but anywhere in the world, including the United States.”

Posted on 2024-10-20T01:20:16+0000