
How San Francisco’s bureaucracy is condemning its night markets to mediocre food

Despite the hype and good vibes surrounding the recent officially sanctioned night market events that San Francisco has put on, the city’s food game is weak.

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Hasnain says:

“Despite the legalization of street food vending at the state level, San Francisco continues to lag behind other California cities in creating a viable pathway for street food vendors to get inspected and go aboveboard. Entry into one of the night markets, a potential game-changer for street vendors, requires so much paperwork and upfront money that it limits access to the chosen few. I doubt folks like the Cambodian ladies at the Stockton market would bother, and San Francisco’s food scene is poorer for it. Notably, New York City’s equivalent to San Francisco’s annual event vendor fee is just $70”

Posted on 2024-08-25T02:05:38+0000