
Hasnain says:

“To sum up: the Biden administration’s attempt to stop this predatory industry from skimming money from Americans’ retirement savings is being blocked because the predatory industry itself has paid money to politicians in Congress to help it keep robbing the public. It is also being assisted by a Supreme Court that was purchased at great expense by business interests funding decades worth of right wing legal and lobbying groups. Because this issue touches on issues that can be made to seem esoteric and hard to understand—as soon as you say the word “fiduciary,” it sounds like you are talking about something that requires some serious financial expertise—it has flown under the radar of the general public. That could be remedied somewhat if we just spoke about this issue in plain and direct terms. Republicans who have been paid off are trying to ensure that an industry that exists to rob you can continue robbing you. That is what is happening here.”

Posted on 2024-08-14T14:46:34+0000