
Building a highly-available web service without a database

If you’ve ever built a web service or a web app, you know the drill: pick a database, pick a web service framework (and in today’s day and age, pick a front-end framework, but let&#8217…

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Hasnain says:

“How well does this scale? We have a couple of big enterprise customers, but one especially well-known customer. Screenshotbot runs on their CI, so we get API requests 100s of times for every single commit and Pull Request. Despite this, we only need a 4-core 16GB machine to serve their requests. (And similar machines for the replicas, mostly running idle.) Even with this, the CPU usage maxes out at 20%, but even then most of that comes from image processing, so we have a lot of room to scale before we need to bump up the number of cores.”

Posted on 2024-08-10T06:33:03+0000