
Israeli inquest into alleged abuse of Palestinian detainees sparks far-right fury

Arrest of IDF reservists suspected of abuse prompts confrontation at notorious detention base and outcry from MPs

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Hasnain says:

While all the media is still calling this abuse (it's rape - even the Likud member arguing it refers to actions which qualify as rape) - it's insane that *this* is what is causing riots -- soldiers got arrested for this and they are rebelling for the right to continue to rape prisoners.

What even...

"But the operation triggered an angry confrontation between the military police and IDF soldiers at Sde Teiman, captured on video by a reporter from Israel’s public broadcaster Kann News.

The detentions also prompted outcry from members of Israel’s far right, including a coalition of extreme-right members of parliament and their supporters who attempted to storm the military base in protest. Late on Monday, protesters also targeted a second base where the soldiers were being questioned, with violent confrontations continuing into the evening."

Posted on 2024-07-29T20:12:23+0000