
Pragmatism, Neutrality and Leadership

Every year or so, some tech CEO does something massively stupid, like declaring “No politics at work!”, or “Trump voters are oppressed and live in fear!”, and we all get a good pained laugh over ho…

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Hasnain says:

Lots of deep thoughts in a tough and decisive topic, but this is required reading. Charity always threads the needle and makes great points.

“We’ve all watched companies become wildly successful under assholes, while waves of employees leave broken and burned out. I wish this wasn’t true, but it is. People’s lives and careers are just another externality as far as the corporate books are concerned.

Many live through this nightmare and emerge dead set on doing things differently. And so, when they become founders or leaders, they put culture ahead of the business. And then they lose.

Most companies fail, and if you aren’t hungry and zeroed in on the success of your business, your slim chances become even slimmer.

I don’t believe this has to be either/or, cultural success or business success. I think it’s a false dichotomy. I believe that healthy companies can be more successful than shitty ones, all else being equal. Which is why I believe that leaders who care about building a workplace culture rooted in dignity and respect have a responsibility to care even more about success in business. Let’s show these motherfuckers how it’s done. Nothing succeeds like success.”

Posted on 2024-07-27T23:37:14+0000