
Did you know about Instruments?

For the longest time, I thought Instruments on macOS wasn’t for me. Whenever I saw its icon show up in the /Applications folder or pop up in a launcher, I assumed it’s part of Xcode and Xcode is an IDE for Objective-C and Swift programmers and that’s not what I do and that’s why Instruments ...

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Hasnain says:

“I can drill into every milli— no, microsecond of every frame that Zed renders and see exactly what’s going on in which thread, with basically no noticeably overhead. That’s nuts. The UI — despite the hurdles when getting started — and how easy it then is to drill into data and examine different things going — that’s far ahead of every other profiling tool I’ve used — on macOS and on Linux, with any other programming language.”

Posted on 2024-07-21T06:57:07+0000