
Opinion: We built our world for a climate that no longer exists | CNN

From melting airport tarmac to power grids hit by hurricanes and reservoir dams stressed by extreme rainfall, our ‘Old World’ infrastructure is ill-equipped for climate change, writes Jeff Goodell.

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Hasnain says:

"Our dependence on AC, in fact, masks the true scope and scale of the challenges we face.

In the end, addressing the climate crisis is not about building better technology. It’s much bigger than that. We need to rebuild our world. Fast-rising temperatures and more extreme weather are forcing us to rethink everything about how we live – where we get our energy, how we grow our food, how we build our cities, and, mostly importantly, who we vote for.

The sooner we stop clinging to the old ways and focus on building a smarter, more sustainable, more equitable future for everyone, the better off we – and every living thing on this planet – will be.

What has already been lost during the climate crisis is a tragedy. But what can be won in this fight is worth imagining too."

Posted on 2024-07-16T04:44:52+0000