
The US held off sanctioning this Israeli army unit despite evidence of abuses. Now its forces are shaping the fight in Gaza | CNN

Former commanders of the Netzah Yehuda battalion, an Israeli unit accused by the US of gross human rights violations prior to October 7, are now active in training Israeli ground troops as well as running operations in Gaza, a CNN investigation has found.

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Hasnain says:

“Current and former US officials also told CNN that the five Israeli units were not the only ones the State Department had been examining. The special State Department panel had reached unanimous consensus at a working level that three additional units had been guilty of abuses prior to October 7, the officials said. Only Blinken or the Deputy Secretary of State can make a final determination on whether units remain eligible to receive US military assistance and it is unclear if the matter has come before them. The findings by the expert panel would have been enough to disqualify a military unit from any other country, the officials said.”

Posted on 2024-07-13T05:54:27+0000