
Clash between Young Thug's attorney and the judge could upend Atlanta trial

Did the judge the presiding over Young Thug’s racketeering trial in Atlanta let his emotions get the better of him Monday when he held a defense lawyer in contempt and sentenced him to 10 weekends in jail?

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Hasnain says:

The more I read about this case and what’s happened these last 2 days the more I keep losing my mind

“Georgia State University law professor Anthony Kreis said Glanville’s hostile reaction to Steel’s valid concerns about the meeting was shocking.

“Judges cannot respond by unduly taking their feelings out against an attorney like Judge Glanville did yesterday,” Kreis said. “Frankly, I was surprised that Judge Glanville didn’t take a step back all day to reconsider what he was doing or at least pump the brakes.””

Posted on 2024-06-12T03:22:17+0000