
Hasnain says:

“A few days after the funeral, I walked to the marina to watch that pink-sky sunset. As the sun bled fuchsia through the sky and the Golden Gate Bridge reflected in the tide, I thought about Paul’s body buried in the ground in Northern Ireland while his belongings were just as he had left them in our apartment a few blocks away. I imagined a parallel existence where he had never stepped off the curb that night, where I would come home and find him studying his Russian notes in a kitchen that smelled like chipotle.

Weeks later, I finally summoned the will to clear out Paul’s room. As I carefully packed away the roommate who was gone almost as soon as he arrived, I came across a dresser drawer stuffed with crumpled, recently worn clothes. I pulled out a T-shirt. It read: “All we have is now.””

Posted on 2024-04-15T04:26:12+0000