
Claude and ChatGPT for ad-hoc sidequests

Here is a short, illustrative example of one of the ways in which I use Claude and ChatGPT on a daily basis. I recently learned that the Adirondack Park is …

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Hasnain says:

As someone who’s recently become a convert, I need to get around to blogging about my process here. (And maybe use AI for it)

“There are many legitimate criticisms of LLMs. The copyright issues involved in their training, their enormous power consumption and the risks of people trusting them when they shouldn’t (considering both accuracy and bias) are three that I think about a lot.

The one criticism I wont accept is that they aren’t useful.

One of the greatest misconceptions concerning LLMs is the idea that they are easy to use. They really aren’t: getting great results out of them requires a great deal of experience and hard-fought intuition, combined with deep domain knowledge of the problem you are applying them to.”

Posted on 2024-03-23T06:02:08+0000