
Hell is other people: performance management at Big Tech

I spent a fair portion of my adult life working for large tech companies. In all my interactions with peers, no other topic caused as much cynicism and angst as the question of performance management — that is, the labyrinthine processes the companies follow to decide who to fire and who to reward...

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Hasnain says:

"The kicker is that across the industry, the perception of this Google-originating process isn’t necessarily any better than that of what it sought to replace. At a great cost, we merely traded the accusations of manager-level favoritism for grander conspiracy theories — sinister corporate agendas divined from the garbled words of secretive, shapeless committees.

The promise of a more egalitarian performance management process is a part of the mythos of Big Tech; but it’s also a fascinating study of painting oneself into a corner, unable to walk back."

Posted on 2024-02-29T05:10:35+0000