
Man set himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy, reportedly over war in Gaza

A man who reportedly self-identified as an active duty member of the U.S. Air Force set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy Sunday.

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Hasnain says:

The reason I’m sharing this one and not the other dozen media reports is that this is the only one so far which is repeating his reasoning for doing so. It was shameful how one previously reputable outlet even said “it is unclear what motivated this action” - he clearly said it!

Also still waiting for even one outlet to acknowledge this is the second time in recent months that someone in the US has self immolated in protest at Israel’s actions - the first was mostly just ignored.

“Onlookers described the man, dressed in military fatigues, walked in front of the embassy's gates and announced his armed forces affiliation before saying he "could no longer be complicit in genocide" and "Free Palestine" before setting himself ablaze.”

Posted on 2024-02-26T02:17:52+0000