
Your Man in the Hague (in a Good Way). - Craig Murray

I attended the hearing on Thursday of South Africa’s case against Israel for genocide at the International Court of Justice. I was able to sit in the public gallery and watch all the proceedings. I was however handicapped in reporting by the fact that we were not allowed pens or pencils (though we...

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Hasnain says:

Great analysis of South Africa’s case yesterday. I’m looking forward to similar ones of the defense today.

Also why am I not surprised that BBC/CNN et al didn’t cover the case from yesterday but live streamed the defense today?

“Finally Lowe said that genocide is never justified. It is absolute, a crime in itself. No matter how appalling the atrocities committed by Hamas against Israel or Israeli citizens, a genocidal response was not appropriate and never could be.

Vaughn Lowe stated that South Africa asked for action against Israel and not against Hamas, simply because Hamas was not a state and thus not subject to the jurisdiction of the court. But the fact that the court could not act against Hamas must not prevent it from acting against Israel to prevent the current urgent danger of genocide. Nor must the court be swayed by Israeli offers of voluntary restraint. Israel’s failure to acknowledge any wrongdoing whatsoever in its actions in “grinding Gaza into the dust” showed Israel could not be trusted in any assurances to adjust behaviour, as it believed it had done no wrong.”

Posted on 2024-01-12T16:55:27+0000