
We have a tool to stop Israel's war crimes: BDS | Naomi Klein

In 2005, Palestinians called on the world to boycott Israel until it complied with international law. What if we had listened?

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Hasnain says:

Powerful words.

““Better late than never,” a kind audience member said to me after the talk.

It was late then; it’s later still now. But it’s not too late. Not too late for all of us to create our own foreign policy from below, one that intervenes in the culture and economy in intelligent and strategic ways – ways that offer tangible hope that Israel’s decades of unchecked impunity will finally come to an end.

As the BDS national committee asked last week: “If not now, when? The South African anti-apartheid movement organized for decades to gain broad international support leading up to the fall of apartheid; and apartheid did fall. Freedom is inevitable. The time is now to take action to join the movement for freedom, justice and equality in Palestine.”

Enough. It’s time for a boycott.”

Posted on 2024-01-11T05:06:49+0000