
Google's best Gemini demo was faked | TechCrunch

Google's new Gemini AI model is getting a mixed reception after its big debut yesterday, but users may have less confidence in the company's tech or

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Hasnain says:

“Update: In a social media post made after this article was published, Google DeepMind’s VP of Research Oriol Vinyals showed a bit more of how “Gemini was used to create” the video. “The video illustrates what the multimodal user experiences built with Gemini could look like. We made it to inspire developers.” (Emphasis mine.) Interestingly, it shows a pre-prompting sequence that lets Gemini answer the planets question without the sun hinting (though it does tell Gemini it’s an expert on planets and to consider the sequence of objects pictured).”

Posted on 2023-12-09T04:16:28+0000