
We were interviewing a Palestinian farmer. Then the drone and soldiers appeared

There are days when you head out to report a story, and you think you know where it's going. And then it spins in an entirely different direction. This is the story of one such day.

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Hasnain says:

Pleasantly surprised NPR ran with this. Can’t even imagine what life must be like in the West Bank and Gaza right now.

“As we walk another 100 or so yards, people in uniform emerge from behind a rocky hillside. More arrive in an SUV.

We stop and announce ourselves: "Media. Press." They're clearly unhappy with us. Some have their faces covered with balaclavas. Soon about a dozen people in uniform are gathering around us – all of them carrying large assault-style guns.

"OK. So get out of here. Take your legs and go all the way back," one soldier says in Hebrew, pointing to the direction from which we came. They tell us we've crossed a barrier, but we point out there is no rope, no signs, nothing to indicate that. They insist the area is restricted, and it's a time of war.”

Posted on 2023-11-14T06:58:21+0000