
Rust is the best language for data infra

Arroyo is written in Rust, a modern systems language. We think it's become the best choice for writing high-performance systems like databases and stream processing engines. Read on for why we chose Rust, and what we've learned along the way.

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Hasnain says:

“The Rust compiler is pedantic. It is the most obsessive code reviewer you have worked with5. If you pass a 32-bit integer to a function that expects a 64-bit integer, it will not let you. If you try to share a non-threadsafe data structure across threads your compile will fail. Ignore the fact that filesystem paths may be arbitrary bytes and try to use them as UTF-8 strings? Straight to compiler jail.

Some people will love this about Rust. Others—who just want to get something working dammit—will hate it.

Put me in the first camp. I've spent enough time in my career debugging hard-to-reproduce bugs in production. This involves more upfront design work, and some frustration fighting with the compiler. But once you've satisfied it, the code ends up being correct an astonishingly high fraction of the time.”

Posted on 2023-10-02T03:57:13+0000