
The WebP 0day

Early last week, Google released a new stable update for Chrome. The update included a single security fix that was reported by Apple's Security Engineering and Architecture (SEAR) team. The issue, CVE-2023-4863, was a heap buffer overflow in the WebP image library, and it had a familiar warning att...

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Hasnain says:

“The lack of available technical information from the vendors here made verification challenging, and it's questionable who this really benefits. Attackers are clearly highly motivated to track and exploit N-day vulnerabilities, and the lack of technical details being released won't significantly slow them down. On the other hand, very few defenders are resourced to be able to perform the type of technical analysis I've shared today. It's counter-intuitive, but withholding basic technical details about how these attacks are working in an asymmetry that mostly benefits attackers -- you quickly end up in a situation where attackers have access to insights about the vulnerability/exploit that defenders don't have.

This bug also shows that we have an over-reliance on fuzzing for security assurance of complex parser code. Fuzzing is great, but we know that there are many serious security issues that aren't easy to fuzz. For sensitive attack surfaces like image decoding (zero-click remote exploit attack surface), there needs to 1) be a bigger investment in proactive source code reviews, and 2) a renewed focus on ensuring these parsers are adequately sandboxed.”

Posted on 2023-09-23T21:47:43+0000